Oh, didnt see you posting here. Thank you!
Ok, sorry. Im shuting my mouth up right now.
Thank you for your reply. I didnt mean to spam this thread, I am sorry for that. I asked him couple times if he could confirm here: [IMG] He...
Can you finally close this case?
Admin, I dont mean to be troublefull, but I had proven that I am clean. Id love to make more buis here, but its hard with UNRESOLVED PROBLEMS...
I see.
Yes, I posted proves and mr v wrote not problem which means in his translator language that problem is solved, as I am guessing.
Can sb delete it?!
Its his LR btw: [IMG]
Payment Mode Account Date 04/11/2012 16:28 Batch 91199376 From U6156170 (poorboy) To U2164950 (saraen) Amount $10.00 Memo Payment Purpose...
Здравствуйте форумчане. Знаю что вопрос возможно покажется глупым. Ну все же, если есть добрые люди которые могут дать шоп шлющий в РУ електро...