MONEYBOSS BEWARE of this guy!! He ripped me for 100$.Never delivered fullz ordered. He stays in communication until u pay. He wont respond or deliver the goods. Admin plz ban this PRICK!! Here are logs: (2:25:50 PM) 625xxxxxx: hello. saw ur post. interested in buying fullz. what state r these from and can i pick age range? (2:19:01 PM) moneyboss: Yes you can pick age range, how many do you need and you want to buy in bulk? (2:19:41 PM) 625xxxxxx: yes i was looking to buy bulk, but did not pricing. can i pick state also. iam looking for OH. (2:21:00 PM) moneyboss: I will check my base for Ohio (2:21:10 PM) moneyboss: one sec how many do you need and how much are you paying? (2:21:54 PM) 625xxxxxx: bro. i need about 20. wat do u charge per pc? (2:22:10 PM) moneyboss: $10 good? (2:24:03 PM) 625xxxxxx: can u find out how many u have from OH male n fml. ages 30- 40 yrs and i will negotiate price wit u whn i kno how many u have. need ones wit dl#, hgt an wgt, eye color. (2:24:40 PM) moneyboss: okay, give me all info (2:25:03 PM) 625xxxxxx: wat info? (2:27:12 PM) moneyboss: I have all DL# btw And give me what height, weight, eye color etc. what you need. (2:28:41 PM) 625xxxxxx: i need the info of fullz to be included. their hgt, wgt,etc. (2:29:39 PM) 625xxxxxx: if u have (2:34:13 PM) moneyboss: Okay, just checked base. I have 783 Ohio 378 Femaile 405 Male (2:35:17 PM) moneyboss: all with height,weight, DL#, eye color, DOB, SSN, Address, Number, Name etc. (2:36:12 PM) 625xxxxxx: ok. age range between 30-40 yrs, right? (2:37:10 PM) moneyboss: yes. (2:37:34 PM) 625xxxxxx: ok. how much do u want for all pcs? (2:37:45 PM) moneyboss: For all 783? (2:37:51 PM) 625xxxxxx: yes. (2:37:59 PM) moneyboss: $400? (2:39:35 PM) 625xxxxxx: was looking to spend around $250 for info. how many for $250? (2:40:27 PM) moneyboss: 450 (2:41:20 PM) 625xxxxxx: k. u have deal. can u show sample format? LR for that amount will be avail from exchanger in the (2:41:32 PM) moneyboss: yep (2:41:40 PM) moneyboss: one sec (2:42:08 PM) 625xxxxxx: also nd all american names. no mexican, indian or forein names. is that 2 much trouble? (2:42:49 PM) moneyboss: No problem (2:42:59 PM) moneyboss: Name: PFEFFER, PATRICK MANFRED Drivers License #: P1606737xxxx Address: xxxx THOMAS DRIVE PANAMA CITY BEACH, FL xxxxx Height / Weight: 5-10 / 180 Eye / Hair Color: BLU / BLD Date of Birth: xx/xx/1970 Phone Number: (xxx) xxx-xxx0 SSN: xxx-38-xxxx Other: NONE Gender: M Race: W (2:43:49 PM) 625xxxxxx: cool. this wat i am lookin 4. u have deal. will send u money as soon as i am funded. (2:44:11 PM) moneyboss: okay, how much do you have at the moment? (2:44:43 PM) 625xxxxxx: 2$. (2:45:02 PM) moneyboss: no problem, just let me know when you get the LR (2:45:13 PM) 625xxxxxx: thx. for ur time. (2:46:34 PM) moneyboss: no problem (12/6/2012 5:58:40 AM) moneyboss: hey man? (11:03:01 AM) 625xxxxxx: hello. i am sending u 100$ for half that order.need to check a few b4 i buyd the rest of order. nd ur lr#. (12/6/2012 2:10:46 PM) moneyboss: yeah, I understand but if you want only 350 then I am not doing less than a dollar a piece (12/6/2012 2:10:53 PM) moneyboss: I am sorry. :S (12/6/2012 2:13:24 PM) moneyboss: its just cause I dont know if you will buy the rest. (12/6/2012 3:06:09 PM) moneyboss: I can do 200 for $100 (3:50:31 PM) 625xxxxxx: bro. u there? (3:52:56 PM) moneyboss: yeah. (3:54:30 PM) 625xxxxxx: i am willing to buy 200 pc for 100$. i tried 2 verify sample info u sent and i can only get adddress verified. other specifics could not be verified. so i nd to try small order first. whn i verify wat u send, i will buy others guaranteed. (3:55:21 PM) moneyboss: Hold on let me ask how much to charge for 200 because these arent my prices. (3:55:57 PM) 625xxxxxx: bro u jus gave me that number. remember? (3:55:58 PM) 625xxxxxx: (12/6/2012 3:06:09 PM) moneyboss: I can do 200 for $100 (3:56:35 PM) moneyboss: yeah, but he said only 200 is expensive since there is no bulk (3:58:11 PM) moneyboss: :S he said $200 for 100. I tried to make him budge. (3:58:18 PM) moneyboss: 200$ for 200 (3:58:19 PM) moneyboss: sorry (3:58:49 PM) 625xxxxxx: i dont kno wats going on, but do u escrow? (3:59:08 PM) moneyboss: moneyboss (17:43) : How much for 200 of the Ohio fullz. Tom (17:47) : $200 bro. (3:59:15 PM) moneyboss: Yes, I do. (3:59:53 PM) moneyboss: I can do $100 for 100 fullz and if you decide to buy the other 700 it will only be $150 more? (4:01:23 PM) 625xxxxxx: bro send me the 100 pcs. if they check out i wil buy the i told u my concern. i need all american names, no foreign. send 50 male/50 fml. i nd ur lr#. (4:01:45 PM) 625xxxxxx: 30-40 yrs. ok? (4:01:51 PM) moneyboss: yes (4:02:03 PM) moneyboss: U0122416 (4:03:35 PM) 625xxxxxx: u send to sendspace in zip file? need delete link too. (4:03:47 PM) moneyboss: yeah I will (4:03:50 PM) moneyboss: I usually use sendspace (4:04:31 PM) 625xxxxxx: done. (4:04:32 PM) 625xxxxxx: Payment Mode Account Date 12/07/2012 00:00 Batch 1231xxxxx From U60xxxxx (txxxxx2xxx) To U0122416 (ltjones) Amount $100.00 Memo Payment Purpose Other (4:05:13 PM) 625xxxxxx: waiting (4:07:21 PM) moneyboss: okay 2 minutes (4:07:24 PM) moneyboss: checking (4:10:51 PM) moneyboss: got it (4:11:03 PM) moneyboss: one sec, gonna go ahead and find the ones that match your requests (4:11:10 PM) 625xxxxxx: k (4:41:46 PM) 625xxxxxx: how much longer? nd 2 go offline (6:32:46 AM) 625xxxxxx: hey bro. where is my order? (6:46:28 AM) 625xxxxxx: been waiting patiently. i pay u and now no order. will request RIPPER status soon 4 u! (9:06:13 AM) 625xxxxxx: hello. where is my order? (9:08:47 AM) 625xxxxxx: k. no response. about 2 post. As u see i try 2 work with guy, this is good forum. We dont nd people like this aound.