ник на форуме nirshb icq - 163722214, wmid (возможно) - 293616104276 Договорились с ним так. Я даю ему покер аккаунт PS на вывод. Он выводит и через энное время переводит деньги мне на webmoney. Собственное его время вышло, он начал загонять про то, что его кто-то кинул и т.д. и т.п. Логи прилагаются. Код: 163722214 (23:42:55 29/06/2010) hey D!mka (23:43:06 29/06/2010) yo? 163722214 (23:43:14 29/06/2010) How are u D!mka (23:43:24 29/06/2010) hm? ) 163722214 (23:43:47 29/06/2010) I saw u sell poker accounts on carder.pro forums D!mka (23:43:53 29/06/2010) yeah 163722214 (23:44:00 29/06/2010) have a buissness offer for u D!mka (23:44:04 29/06/2010) wow D!mka (23:44:12 29/06/2010) speak russian? 163722214 (23:44:17 29/06/2010) well no sorry D!mka (23:44:21 29/06/2010) ok.. eng 163722214 (23:44:21 29/06/2010) i am from israel 163722214 (23:44:33 29/06/2010) I had work with a guy from au before 163722214 (23:44:39 29/06/2010) but he got arrested lol D!mka (23:44:43 29/06/2010) :-D D!mka (23:44:47 29/06/2010) ok..what offer 163722214 (23:45:12 29/06/2010) In israel there is big buissness of selling credits on pokerstars and fulltiltpoker softwares 163722214 (23:45:33 29/06/2010) people will buy credits on those site when u send them cash on player to player transfer D!mka (23:45:36 29/06/2010) and you want for my arrest?) 163722214 (23:45:53 29/06/2010) no, why ur arrest 163722214 (23:46:01 29/06/2010) he was arrested cause he fraud wu.. 163722214 (23:46:04 29/06/2010) not on poker D!mka (23:46:07 29/06/2010) oh..ok D!mka (23:46:11 29/06/2010) 3 min D!mka (23:46:14 29/06/2010) ill on jabber 163722214 (23:46:19 29/06/2010) yea the dumb sent him funds on wu D!MKA, 29.06.2010 23:47:31: ok D!MKA, 23:47:36: im here 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:48:14: anyway, the method was i meet people on israel on forums which want to buy, take their cash and transfer them cash using the program 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:48:29: they buy alot cause here u cant fund the software fast 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:49:15: u know pokernews forums? D!MKA, 23:49:25: op D!MKA, 23:49:26: nop 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:50:19: http://il.pokernews.com/פוקר-פורום/תוכנות-הפקדות/ 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:50:31: use translator of hebrew to rassin D!MKA, 23:50:32: omg D!MKA, 23:50:33: ) D!MKA, 23:50:37: 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:50:45: u will see people post here they buy cash on those softwares D!MKA, 23:51:23: i didnt understand my problem 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:52:49: I can offer u 35% balance of the accounts u give me to sell 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:52:58: try me with 1 account and see D!MKA, 23:53:02: ok..see D!MKA, 23:53:12: i dep FTP 500$ D!MKA, 23:53:21: how much u pay for this account 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:54:21: 175$ u will get 35% D!MKA, 23:55:03: but pokerstars? D!MKA, 23:55:06: pokerstars.com 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:55:17: same D!MKA, 23:55:25: i have now one pokerstars 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:56:13: balance? D!MKA, 23:56:21: 450$ 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:56:40: u have dedicated server for him or how u maked the account? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:56:47: how old the account are D!MKA, 23:56:50: of course D!MKA, 23:56:57: account..through 3 hours D!MKA, 23:57:21: i give guarantee 3 hours D!MKA, 23:57:23: on this account 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:58:54: hmm sure i can cash the money out D!MKA, 23:59:05: webmoney? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 23:59:41: i work with cash so i need to make the sell then upload funds to webmoney and send u D!MKA, 23:59:54: oh.. D!MKA, 30.06.2010 0:00:36: i cant so work D!MKA, 0:00:46: cash - account.. D!MKA, 0:00:56: i have 115 BL webmoney D!MKA, 0:01:01: and responses 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:01:20: why not? try me with one account, i will send u cash on webmoney when i cashout the cash D!MKA, 0:01:58: i dont have guarantee 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:02:17: try with one, if its good we continue. D!MKA, 0:02:29: its good, bro D!MKA, 0:02:44: i tell you. that dont have guarantee D!MKA, 0:02:50: i give you account D!MKA, 0:03:21: and youll fall down 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:03:30: i wont fall down 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:03:40: i will give u icq numbers of people i deal with 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:03:53: i do it for a year now i have the exp D!MKA, 0:04:06: i give account D!MKA, 0:04:11: when ill receive cash? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:04:39: max 12hours on work days 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:07:55: ? D!MKA, 0:08:08: ok D!MKA, 0:08:15: give me ur wmid please 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:09:48: WMId 293616104276 D!MKA, 0:10:28: POKERSTARS balance: 450$ login: seamusKKK password: voxtel23 mail: seamushughes23@yahoo.com password: 123456 user;user D!MKA, 0:10:44: give me ur nickname on cpro 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 0:10:59: nirshb. D!MKA, 0:11:55: ok D!MKA, 0:11:56: gl 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:19:12: hi D!MKA, 20:19:14: hi bro 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:23:13: do u have the mc u used to deposit to the pokerstars user? info D!MKA, 20:23:27: yes i have D!MKA, 20:23:41: need? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:23:47: yes 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:24:01: and i will get ur webmoney in half hour top D!MKA, 20:25:09: 5425232920415044 | 08/11 | 509 | Seamus Hughes | Dame House, 24-26 Dame Street | Dublin | 2 | N/A | IE | 353-868152379 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:25:19: do u have the mc u used to deposit to the pokerstars user? info 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:27:31: oh.. the card is not valid anymore? D!MKA, 20:35:33: dont know D!MKA, 20:35:43: bro...need money now... 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:37:47: sure u have more accounts ready now? D!MKA, 20:38:10: now not.. D!MKA, 20:38:18: u can pay now? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:38:33: i can pay in couple of mins it will be on my wmz D!MKA, 20:38:53: time? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:39:28: couple of mins up to half hour D!MKA, 20:39:36: oh 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:39:40: i buying the cash thorugh a provider 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:39:49: so he need to send it, i already paid him D!MKA, 20:40:00: 35% from 450$ D!MKA, 20:40:03: how much?) D!MKA, 20:40:16: 155$ D!MKA, 20:40:19: yea? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:40:34: yes D!MKA, 20:41:03: Z21249374**** memo: hosting D!MKA, 20:41:06: i must go now D!MKA, 20:41:09: offline 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 20:41:19: alright D!MKA, 20:41:28: ok, thanks. gl D!MKA, 01.07.2010 9:02:39: and?.. D!MKA, 02.07.2010 16:18:34: bro? D!MKA, 16:18:51: ill not fall down ur words D!MKA, 16:18:52: // D!MKA, 16:19:01: blacklist, okay 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:22:10: Here? I fall down but it was on reason 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:25:59: ??? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:39:49: ?? D!MKA, 17:44:44: here bro D!MKA, 17:44:59: and what the reason? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:45:36: there was a problem with the payment customer paid me, he didnt send cash and ripped me off but i report to ps and they block his account, but us too 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:45:40: and wanted documents. D!MKA, 17:46:08: and what? 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:46:42: its the first time it happen to me. D!MKA, 17:47:04: bro D!MKA, 17:47:10: just say that you are ripper 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:47:11: i will not accept from customers again like this. just when they meet me up and pay cash and i will upload myself funds to webmoney 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:47:18: I am no ripper 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:47:27: i will try to arrange the cash i owe u myself D!MKA, 17:47:33: ok 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 17:48:24: sorry it was fallen like this but i will see how i arrange the cash myself and pay u the money i owe u 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 18:15:49: 85411;83148;mohamed;eletreby;portsaid;oraby;street;portsaid;12411;Egypt;midoeletreby@gmail.com;0;0;portsaid;oraby;street;portsaid;12411;Egypt;0;CreditCard;Payments 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 18:15:58: ;(Visa/Master;mohamed;eletreby;5203780099862014;0412;2010-03-25;13:30:01;2010-03-25;12:49:23;3;USD;1.000000;0;;M;S;M;oraby;street;12411;0;070; 85419;83797;brandon;thich;Josselyn;Canyon;Road;1629;Monterey;93940;Ca;United;States;brandonthich@yahoo.com;0;0;Josselyn;Canyon;Road;1629;Monterey;93940;Ca;United;States;0;CreditCard;Payments;(Visa/Master;brandon;thich;4868272859091207;0712;2010-03-26;13:30:02;2010-03-25;17:37:47;3;USD;1.000000;0;;V;Z;M;Josselyn;Canyon;Road;1629;93940;0;113; 85460;83830;Jeffrey;LeClair;E.;Velvet;Drive;1932;Tempe;85284;AZ;United;States;jeffleclair@icsaz.net;0;0;E.;Velvet;Drive;1932; 2FAST4U 35% POKER, 18:16:30: Tempe;85284;AZ;United;States;0;CreditCard;Payments;(Visa/Master;Jeffrey;LeClair;4045379011611305;1010;2010-03-30;18:32:46;2010-03-26;19:36:17;7;USD;1.000000;0;;V;D;M;E.;Velvet;Drive;1932;85284;0;128; 85470;83838;Ricardo;Lopez;Dpto;201;Vertiz;Narvarte;Benito;Jose;maria;vertiz;1111;Mexico;03600;Distrito;Federal;Mexico;ditelsa@hotmail.com;0;0;Dpto;201;Vertiz;Narvarte;Benito;Jose;maria;vertiz;1111;Mexico;03600;Distrito;Federal;Mexico;0;CreditCard;Payments;(Visa/Master;Ricardo;Lopez;Arechiga;5288430308451393;0911;2010-03-30;18:27:56;2010-03-26;22:40:50;3;USD;1.000000;0;;M;S;M;Jose;maria;vertiz;1111;03600;0;481; 85478;83847;Edward;Paik;5300;Buck;Hill;Ave;Buck;Hill;Ave;Buena;Park;90621;CA;United;States;paiked@hotmail.com;0;0;5300;Buck;Hill;Ave;Buck;Hill;Ave;Buena;Park;90621;CA;United;States;0;CreditCard;Payments;(Visa/Master;Edward;Paik;371753944573000;0313;2010-03-27;12:34:01;2010-03-27;06:39:35;3;USD;1.000000;0;;AX;null;null;Buck;Hill;Ave;90621;0;6986; 85487;73493;wilmer;torres;po;box;3505;pmb;180;juana;diaz;00795;puerto;rico;Afghanistan;wlmrtorres78@yahoo.com;0;0;po;box;3505;pmb;180;juana;diaz;00795;puerto;rico;Afghanistan;0;CreditCard;Payments;(Visa/Master;wilmer;torres;4334450003886898;0214;2010-03-30;10:36:47;2010-03-27;13:22:15;3;USD;1.000000;0;;V;G;M;po;box;3505;pmb;180;00795;0;634; 85490;83856;Julia;Baker;1216;2nd;ST;SW;Rochester;55902;Minnesota;United;States;kaybone12@gmail.com;0;=;810;5th;Street;Apt;6;Bowling;Green;43402;Ohio;United;States;0;1216;2nd;ST;SW;Rochester;55902;Minnesota;United;States;0;Cred