delusions of the granular nature makes steve increase jobs in apples , by commissioning more shipping chances, if available all data on the...
money is formed of value ,if disintegrated it turns to look like crumble to men either with that value or not men always never want to share...
nice .... ...
i walked in a room one day , and all i heard was BadB Wants you , i gave life and thought it was him he wanted me ....
all day in and out like a condom
What you see is an illusion. Its just a forum achievement for a large number of messages posted, or reputation greater than whatever number of...
lulz ,if black is so ugly why the fuck is it ther? still striving to mend broken junctions .......
we still make that money out of thin air
people should have small intruders or mechanisms in their mouths to steal or rob away peoples brains and memories ┌∩┐(◣_◢)┌∩┐
people whats the point for having cc if you dont use it to buy systems
mu hahahahahaaaa destroyed already by our fore fatherz by their outdated implemandations, need to build our own
anyone who claims to destroy a life is as bad like they have destroyed the entire world; and whoever rescues a single life earns as much...
MONEY a culture that brings no true signs of identifying individuals in a society formally ?
if you take from the poor and give to the rich they call it pay tax (they call it living legit), but if you rob from the rich and give to the poor...
The most important thing to do these dayz is to do crimes with intelligence by stupid understanding so that police feel too foolish to solve...
games suspicion is a dangerous mind game it makes individuals guilty and get sentenced to Fear
in this century definitely there are things that money can not buy (gold), so why not have them without purchasing [] (get that money gangster)
best way to make inaccurate information that people want is to make it up (example cc) and sell it ,
Ther is a n impresssive way of being poor anyone who does not know it will never succeed and be rich
no logic though but i thought the thought was more s.o.sThe fact is that if you want to be successful, there is one thing that can help you earn...